We are proud to have established a 'Mini Vinnies' group at St Kentigern's!This group is made up of children from KS2 who work together on making lives better for the school, the parish and the world community. Mini Vinnies has been developed from the Society of St Vincent De Paul and has a mission to "turn concern into action". As a group we see who needs help in the world, think about how we can help and then do something about it.We meet after school once a week to plan together on how we can reach out to the people in need in our community!Autumn TermThis year, to begin our Mini Vinnie group, needed to select new members for our school. In order to to so, a range of children applied to be members of Mini Vinnies through an application process where they wrote a letter expressing how they wish to help in the community. As a result, children where appointed as Mini Vinnies for the rest of their time at St Kentigern's.After the appointment of our new Mini Vinnie members we started great work on turning our concern into action.During September, our Mini Vinnies , helped out with our Macmillan Cake Sale at school, helping to raise awareness of what we are doing as a school to raise money for cancer support and too helped to sell cakes during our coffee morning.
As you can see, our Mini Vinnies group has been working hard at living out our school scripture to "let all that you do , be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14)